Friday, September 13, 2019

Funny Trends in Retail

As you know, I include odd-ball, but useful trends in products or businesses that I think are not only unique but push the envelop in a good way. Here's several recent ones I found.

Restaurants for One Guest
Restaurant 1:1 - Solo dining only!

With single person meals - the Irma Restaurant chain in Denmark operates the 'Restaurants 1:1'. Set up to seat single diners only, the chain said they wanted to break the stigma around solo dining for a main meal.

The 1:1 only requires one chef and one wait-staff and is set up for intimate dining. Diners can converse with staff or other diners while enjoying their solo meal.

So far the restaurants are a hit and there is a month wait for a reservation.

KFC's Wearable Picnic Anywhere Attire

KFC's latest marketing creation is the 'Picnic Polo' , which allows the wearer to instantly create a picnic anywhere. 

The gingham print polo shirt is designed to convert into a blanket (a large pocket in the shirt houses the picnic blanket extension) for impromptu tailgates and such.

Branded by KFC as the must have for office parties, summer concerts on the lawn, airport hold-overs, or family/twosome outings in parks and rec-areas. "Please pass the gravy".

Porsche On-Demand Subscription Service
All the benefits without ownership

Started last year, the Porsche subscription program allows customers to access the use of 20 different Porsches at prices which vary from $2,100 on up.

There is a subscription fee to join and you must have insurance but the program, started in Atlanta is being expanded to four other cities - Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego, and Toronto.

Flexibility and choice push would-be Porsche customers to the on-demand program, with over 80% of members not being previous Porsche owners.  "Happy driving".

Jim Lavorato
Founder Fund-House Ventures & 4M Performance