Friday, June 7, 2019

How CX Helps EX, Don't You Know?

The major theme that runs through a successful customer experience (CX) is to align it with the employee experience (EX). 

This makes full sense because they want the same things, a smooth, seamless experience, few problems, and satisfaction with the service or product. The link between the CX and EX must be clear and understandable.

The Customer Journey

Customers want consistent and engaging experiences at all stages of their purchasing journey. This is accomplished by addressing their pain-points quickly with clear and meaningful employee interaction. This is done by establishing 'control points'  - those key points, in the customer journey, where it is essential to control the risk of poor CX.

The Branding & Identity Specialists : 

Customer Pride

The CX must be hassle-free.  Problems must be quickly and completely resolved. If not, negative
word-of-mouth travels fast and wide and creates problems for employees. Reacting to frequent problems frustrates and alienates employees and negatively effects their sense of
pride in providing excellent CX.

How It's Done

Simply giving employees access to customers usually increases employee engagement and therefore
CX traction. At many companies, employee success and customer success are at odds. The solution is that whatever the customer defines as success is also what the employee views as success.

All companies, of all sizes, should be instilling a customer-centric culture and ensure that everyone feels responsible for CX.  Once established this culture will foster best CX.

The approach to CX makes sense and seems simple but that doesn't mean easy. Discipline, commitment, and patience are required to connect the dots between CX and EX pain-points, drive excellence, and push sales.

Jim Lavorato
Fund-House, LLC

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