Monday, October 14, 2019

The 10-4-1 Social Media Rule

Posting once a week to your company blog? Don't. A once a week post will not generate enough traffic to your website and not enhance your social media engagement one bit. To get any social media traction you need to post at least 3x per week.

The 10-4-1 Rule is a tried and true way of posting to get the most audience conversions. If you post 15x per week the posts should be broken-down as follows:
  • 10 posts should be sharing 'other people's content' to your followers. Principally information gleaned from experts in the industry or others, such as authors and influencers.
  •  4 posts should be sharing 'your content that's not directly sales related'. Posts on how to save money, do something better, how-to videos and podcasts. If that content is valuable, your members/followers will share the information with others and over time you will become the expert or influencer.
  • 1 post should be a direct sale pitch. A CTA for a special deal, check this out, ends today, sign on, etc.
  • Post to Tweeter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google

4M Performance - Coming Soon!
In addition, every business must:
  1. Have a social media marketing strategy
  2. Setup engaging social media profiles
  3. Build a rock-solid following
  4. Learn how to use each platform for maximum impact

Jim Lavorato, Principal
Fund-House Ventures, LLC and 4M Performance

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