Friday, June 28, 2019


A logo. A metaphor for a Brand. A symbol that imparts, at a glance, the image and essense of the company.

A logo should contain at least three of the following : an image, a font, a color palette, a name, a tagline, a symbol, sizing, all wrapped-up in a great graphic design.

The process of  developing a logo consists of the following: conceiving, designing, selection, re-designing, re-selection, final selection, tagline determination, tag conceiving, writing, selection, placement, size.  All leading to a final logo.

Case Study: Building A Logo

I had embedded within Fund-House Ventures a unique business consult process based upon the four cornerstones of business performance: Money, Management, Market, Momentum. I wanted this new service to have its own name, image, and logo while still being part of  F-H .   To accomplish this I needed to do the following:

-  Create a name for the new service
-  Design an image that would best represent the new service.
-  Decide on how to co-brand the new service with the existing Fund-House brand.
-  Decide if a tagline was required and, if so, create one.
-  Finalize Logo

The Name

Since the four cornerstones all started with the letter 'M', incorporating 4M into the name was obvious. It was also apparent that the cornerstones were all about performance so the name quickly became '4M Performance' - an accelerator model for revenue generation and market expansion.

The Image

I wanted to incorporate the number 4 and the letter M into the logo. The problem was, what to do with the word 'Performance'?  To have the logo incorporate the 'P' or to spell out the word? And what about using the key words Marketing, Money, Momentum, Management in the logo or as a tag.

After a lot of thought and the aid of a great graphic design firm, Electronic Ink, 14 logo designs were created. Of the 14, three were selected as the finalists with color changes. From those three, one was selected. It is a very stylized image but imparts what 4MP is all about - a forward moving business consult model.

The Use and Image It Portrays 

This particular logo is going to be available in three separate color combinations, depending upon its use: business cards, brochures, letterhead, sway and give-aways, etc. It will be embedded into the Fund-House literature as well and in all slide show and advertising/PR promotional  materials.

This logo comes with or without the '4M PERFORMANCE' tag.

This is a strong logo. It is bold and stands on its own pillar. It also has an arrow pointing upward that, coincidentally is in the shape of the B-2 Stealth Bomber.


A logo must stand for something and be relevant to the company brand.  It must be easily understood and identifiable. Logos are fun to conceive and more fun to develop.

Jim Lavorato, Principal
Fund-House Ventures, LLC
Phoenix, AZ

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