Thursday, March 14, 2019

Dems : Can't Get It Right On Net Neutrality

I've discussed the issue of Net Neutrality in these pages before, so I wanted to revisit and update you on same.

Dems : Can't have it both ways.
Under Trump, the ISPs received a better deal than they did under Obama. But now the House of Reps., under the Democrats, is trying to restore the rules to prohibit ISPs from blocking or throttling web content and selling 'fast lanes' to content providers. 

Dubbed the 'Save The Internet Act' the Dems have an uphill battle as the current rules, enacted in 2017, have not resulted in the catastrophic demise and manipulation  of the interest that was predicted at the last go-around.

I am for keeping the rules as they are. The ISPs, no doubt make money on supplying the internet pipeline but big tech make lots, lots more and use up lots of the pipe. Additionally, it is hard to say you are all about "saving the internet" (and by default pro big tech) when Democratic Presidential candidates are proposing that Facebook, Google, Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, etc. be "broken up" as they are  monopolistic usurpers of our most confidential information and huge intruders into are private lives. The Dems can't have it both ways.

Jim Lavorato
Principal, Fund-House Ventures

Copyright (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved

In Business, Self-Improvement is a MUST

In business many fear making the wrong decisions, hesitate on pulling-the-trigger, and rely too much on the past to predict the future - these all get in the way of our best interests.

These biases cloud our decision-making but there are several things one can do to prevent or diminish there negative impact.

- Make decisions at your most rational. Self-restraint doesn't come easy as we all have a tendency to gratify immediate desires. The key is not to make important decisions too close to when they'll take effect. Shifting decision-making to a moment when your most rational self is running the show can be very effective in curbing impulsive decisions.

- Commit yourself. Focus on the goal. What is it you are REALLY trying to accomplish. Take out the biases and realize that all things are grey and not black or white.

- Reframe your gains and losses. People are far more motivated to avoid a loss than they are to rack up an equally large gain - called loss aversion, it's a real issue with business people at all levels. Although you must measure loss/gain you can not be so fearful of loss that it impacts your judgment to pull-the-trigger on a decision that should be made in a timely fashion.

- Doubt yourself. We all have trouble assessing probabilities which can skew the way we gauge our performance. Until otherwise proven, don't believe it's anything but chance when things go well. It's easy to be blinded by your successes, which is why it's so important to have an objective way to assess your outcomes.

So, going forward, figure out what biases you have, use self-restraint, and assess your successes rationally. Now Move Forward!

Jim Lavorato
Principal, Fund-House Ventures

Copyright (c) 2019 All rights reserved

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

AMMP : Best Music Production in Phoenix Valley

Launching on March 22nd in Mesa, AZ will be one of the best music production houses on the West Coast. The American Modern Music Production facility, better known as AMMP, will be opening its doors and offering a full compliment of music and video production activities.

Music production, mixing, scoring, training, and instruction will be available for customers aged 14 and up.  

March 22nd will be the first day in a week long launch that will feature : rock, rap, hip-hop, jazz, and blues bands and vocal performers, EDM and original d-jaying.  Lectures and instruction on music and music production equipment will be given, food trucks will be on-site. With outdoor stage and video productions.

Plan on attending. Its all about music!