A landing page correctly constructed has to convey information, encourage a CTA, and reflect your brand - if it doesn't do this it won't provide the experience or engagement your customer expects. Therefore, designing an effective landing page takes planning and great design.
Answer this question. What do you want users to do when they get to the landing?
Watch a video? Enter information? Purchase something? Click a link? Interact?
BE SPECIFIC! Everything on the landing should be guide users to an end goal.
Landings MUST BE AUDIENCE - CENTRIC! Therefore you need to have a very clear understanding of who your target market is. Gender? Age? Location? The landing's design
must appeal to the audience targeted and engage them.
The landing MUST HAVE VERY ENGAGING GRAPHICS, VIDEOS, OR IMAGES An element of mystery or surprise goes a long way in engaging users.
All landing pages have various levels of copy. Each word of the narrative must be carefully scripted to move the users to the CTA.
Headline: a few powerful words that instantly grab attention.
Body Text: the 'message', which must be concise, direct, and engaging.
CTA: A button or link that directs the user - it's the next step. Must be easy to see and execute.
Footer: The 'touch base' stuff - contact into., social links, blog direction, etc.
Think of navigation elements as KEYWORDS that provide user information and direction. These navigation cues assist users in understanding of what you offer.
Every single user must know exactly what to do when they hit your landing. Clear CTAs are requisite. CTAs can be buttons, forms to fill, instructions, images, animations, graphics.
Landing should be specific, engaging, and important. They need to be focused and therefore CUSTOMIZED and not look like an extension of your website. Take to time and effort to be unique and not have a 'me too' look. Always be conscious of your demographic.
Visit: www.FundHouse.us |
Make sure the landing is relevant to your Brand by including visual cues that connect it to your overall business message - stay 'on brand'. Include your logo and use the same font as is used in your website's header - users, are smart, they will know the landing is special and content different but they will also know they are still interacting with your Brand.
A well constructed landing makes usability obvious (where to go and what to do). The landing page must FLOW. Add in levels of imagery, branding/logo, pictures, developing a tiered approach so users will know instantly how to engage with the page.
A landing page is NOT your homepage. Landings are fast becoming the first stop for website visitors. Designing the BEST landing pages will make your business shine in the vast and murky expanse of the web.
Stay in touch,
Jim Lavorato
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