Why Have & How To Blog
A Blog is the least expensive and greatest way to advertise and promote your business and brand, all the while increasing your SEO. From pre-seed to large every business MUST have a blog.
How To Set Up A Blog? It's Really EASY!
- Go to Google blogspot
- Build Your Blog (about 1-2 hours, tops)
- Start To Post
- Your Done!
Why use Google vs. other Blog Host? Simple. Google has 90% of all internet search and they link the blogs they host to their search algorithms. Therefore you increase your search exposure to being on the first page of any search by a potential consumer/customer.
How To Manage Your Blog
- A good Name (Google with register the domain name selected)
- Choose Google as your platform and host
- Link your website to your blog
- Design a blog which enhances and nurtures your Brand
- Publish posts that are relevant, short, and have graphics and/or videos (link to YouTube)
- Post at least 3x per week for starters, more if you can
- Automatically link posts to all of your other social media sites from Facebook to LinkedIn.
All businesses should have a Blog. It is outreach to your current and potential customers. It promotes Brand loyalty and has fan-based sticky-ness. It's much better then email blasts (you should do both) because blog posts can automatically be sent to email addresses while at the same time are available to a worldwide audience.
What You Don't Need To Set Up A BLOG
- Computer programming or coding skills of any sort
- No software of design expense - it's all FREE
- No operating experience required. Just start 'Talking' to your audience
Don't name your blog the same as your Company name. For example, Fund-House's blog domain name is fhventures.blogspot.com the name of the blog is 'Launch Pad'. However, the Fund-House
logo and name sit proudly at the top of the Blog.
If possible use key words is the name and certainly key words in your posts (Google will pickup on this and enhance your search profile.
So, that's it. Block out about 1-2 hours. Think of a good name. Go to Google blogspot and design and launch your company's blog - and it's all FREE.
Stay in touch,
Jim Lavorato
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